By Alan Chenkin, Uses glue all the time, for fun and woodworking projects
Krazy glue is an adhesive called Cyanoacrylate.
Two techniques should be considered when you have Krazy glue on your counter;
First, try rubbing it off with nail polish remover (one that contains acetone). Any rag may do, but microfiber ones are best (my personal experience).
Second, try using a light oil – WD-40 or cooking oil – and use a plastic spatula (not metal) to carefully scrape the super glue. The oil should lubricate the counter, and keep the spatula from scratching it. Don’t use a lot of force! If the oil can get underneath the glue, this is worth a try:
Onyx Professional 100% Acetone Nail Polish Remover Removes Artificial Nails, Nail Polish, Gel Polish and Glitter Polish
Acetone is the key ingredient in most nail polish removers. You can also find acetone at your local hardware or paint store. Apply the solvent to a paper towel and place it on the stain until the glue has softened. The softened glue can then be removed with a clean dry towel.[1]
WD-40 Multi-Use Product Spray with Smart Straw, 8 oz. (Pack of 1)
WD-40 is a “Goo Remover” and can sometimes get under the superglue and lift it.
Remember to clean and polish the counter after you remove the glue. If it is a Laminate counter, try “Countertop Magic
“. Krazy glue has trouble sticking to polished, waxed, or oiled surfaces.
Hopes Counter Top Polish 8oz – 2 pack: Home & Kitchen, and Granite Gold Granite Gold 24 ounce Polish .
Always use Krazy glue with care, and (next time) use Krazy glue with old newspapers or a cardboard carton underneath the work!
Good Luck with Krazy glue, remember it does a real good job sticking fingers together, so be extra careful!
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